
Writing unit test cases for REST API’s (No authentication):

No authentication

Step-1: Importing pyRest_lib

from rest_lib import pyRest_lib

Step-2: Writing the setUp method:

def setUp(self): = pyRest_lib.PyRestLib(url='')
    self.log =
    self.json =
  • Creating object for PyRestLib class and passing URL as parameter.
  • Getting logger & Json object

Step-3: Writing unittests for GET,POST,PUT,DELETE requests. send_request single method for sending GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request types.

GET Request example:

GET Request Parameters  
Response Data

Unittest for sending above request and verifing Host value from response:

def test_get_request(self):
    response ='/get',method_name='GET')
    response_code = response['code']
    response_data = response['data']
    verify_host = self.json.get_key_value(response_data,'Host')
    response_headers = response['headers']
  • Passing path and request method type as passing parameters to send_request.
  • return object response contains response data,code and headers and that can be accessed by response[‘data’],response[‘code’] & response[‘headers’].
  • Passing response data and key to get_key_value method to get value.
  • Asserting response status code & data.
  • POST Request example:
  • Sample POST request & response.

HTTP POST Request:

GET Request Parameters {‘test’:’post’}
Response Data

Code for sending above request:

def test_post_request(self):
    data = {'test':'post'} # Step 1
    json_data = self.json.dump_json_data(data) # Step 1
    response ='/post',method_name='POST',
    response_code = response['code']
    response_data = response['data']
    verify_response_data = self.json.get_key_value(response_data,'test')
    self.assertEqual(response_code, 200)
  • Converting python dictionary into JSON data.
  • Passing path and request method type as parameters to send_request.
  • Response contains response data,code and headers and that can be accessed by response[‘data’],response[‘code’] & response[‘headers’].
  • Passing response data and key to get_key_value method to get value.
  • Asserting response status code & data.

Same way for PUT & DELETE request PUT Request example:

def test_put_request(self):
    response ='/put',method_name='PUT')
    code = response['code']
    self.assertEqual(code, 200)

DELETE Request example:

def test_delete_request(self):
    response ='/delete',method_name='DELETE')
    code = response['code']
    self.assertEqual(code, 200)

Writing unit test cases for REST API’s with authentication):

With Authentication

Authentications supported HTTPBasicAuth,HTTPDigestAuth and Session

Step 1: Add authentication details in config.yaml file.

url : Authentication_Type: HTTPBasicAuth HTTPBasicAuth:

username: xxxxxxxxx password: xxxxxxxxx
username: null password: null
header: ‘sample cookie’

Auth: False username: ‘user’ password: ‘password’

#Make rest_header when you want to send any custom headers headers:

“Content-Type”: “application/json”

url: API test URL Authentication_Type: Authentication type has to be given. Default null. headers: Custom headers has to be added to send in every request. Step 2: Importing pyRest_lib from rest_lib import pyRest_lib

Step 3:

def setUp(self):
file = os.path.abspath(‘resources//config.yaml’) # Step 1 self.rest_obj = pyRest_lib.PyRestLib(file_path=file,auth=’HTTPBasicAuth’) # Step 2 self.log = self.rest_obj.get_logObj() # Step 3 self.json = self.rest_obj.get_jsonObj() # Step 3

Getting the config file path location Passing file path to PyRestLib class and authentication type. Getting json and logger object Step 4: Now writing unittests for GET request. GET Sample Request: GET Response: Status: 200 OK

“login”: “jeevan449”, “id”: 20350885, “avatar_url”: “”, “gravatar_id”: “”, “url”: “”, “html_url”: “”, “followers_url”: “”, “following_url”: “{/other_user}”, “gists_url”: “{/gist_id}”, “starred_url”: “{/owner}{/repo}”, “subscriptions_url”: “”, “organizations_url”: “”, “repos_url”: “”, “events_url”: “{/privacy}”, “received_events_url”: “”, “type”: “User”, “site_admin”: false

}] Unittest for sending GET request and verifying response data & status code .

def test_get_following(self):
path = ‘/user/following’ response = self.rest_obj.send_request(path,method_name=’GET’) # Step 1 code = response[‘code’] # Step 2 data = response[‘data’] # Step 2 verify_data = self.json.get_key_value(response_data,’login’) # Step 3 self.assertEqual(verify_data,’jeevan449’) # Step 4 self.assertEqual(code,200) # Step 4

Passing path and method_name to send_request method. Assigning response code and data to variable Parsing login key value from the response data. Verifying response data and code.